If we counted our blessings instead of our money we would all be rich. We often forget the bounty of blessings that gather at our feet. May these gemstones help you connect to the miracles in your life.
Your very existence is a miracle. You were created by sparks of passion in the universe's likeness. The blessings and miracles that are presented to you every day are often ignored for shiny baubles from our false reality. May these stones help remind you who you really are and help you find your way home.
This bundle contains (4) tumbled gemsotnes.
Herkimer Diamond - This magnificent quartz has been given the name Herkimer Diamond after it's discoverer and for its brilliant shine. This gemstone is perfect for dreamwork or healing crystal grids. It helps you raise your vibration and connect to higher spiritual domains. A perfect stone for meditation.
Rose Quartz - Connected to the heart chakra, rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love. Focused on self-love rather than romantic energies, this powerful gemstone carries the love of other heart-centered spiritual masters. It's said that by using this stone in meditation and prayer that we help shift the frequency of the planet.
Watermelon Tourmaline - The gemstone of joy, watermelon tourmaline awakens the higher heart - the seat of the soul. This helps you shift from your head to your heart and promotes harmony. May it bring more happiness into your life.
Sunstone - This orange crystal amplifies personal power and freedom. Sunstone helps you tap into your skills for service, for your greatest good. This also is the stone for leadership and helps you become your highest Self.