The Rainbow Iris Agate Slice is a mesmerizing and enchanting crystal creation that resonates with the energy of the Moon card in the Tarot. Just as the Moon card symbolizes intuition, dreams, and the hidden aspects of the psyche, this agate slice embodies a sense of mystery and inner exploration. With its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, it invites you to delve into the depths of your subconscious, where secrets and insights await. Embrace the enchanting energy of the Rainbow Iris Agate Slice as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, tapping into your intuition and uncovering the hidden truths within, echoing the enigmatic wisdom of the Moon card. Let it remind you that beneath the surface, there is a world of magic and mystery waiting to be explored.
Please note that these only exhibit rainbows in natural light. Please see photos for details.