The cards are portals into the realm of soul and dream, each with a living presence that invites us to learn about our own inner worlds through listening to the particular wisdom and insights they bring.

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Sacred Space - Your privacy is important to us. What is said during our session together, stays here.

Helpful Insights- The cards are our connection to our Guides. Jackie acts as a channel to help you tap into this sacred knowledge.

Powerful Guidance - The cards are portals into the realm of soul and dream, each with a living presence that invites us to learn about our own inner worlds through listening to the particular wisdom and insights they bring.

Spiritual Homework - Jackie is a Capricorn with a Virgo Stellium. Translation: she loves giving her clients tanigble and tiny spiritual assigments that will help them integrate the information gathered from the cards.


Often we are met with challenges in our lives that leave us baffled and confused. There is no guidebook! Tarot helps us connect to our Higher Power (or Higher Self) with sacred imagery and archtypes that have been passed down for thousands of year. Through your tarot reader's interpretation of these symbols you are able receive surprising inspirations, revelations and healing.

There are many false beliefs around tarot. Tarot is a universal spiritual language that can be adopted by ANY craft or creed. The cards are simply a tool to help us connect with our Spirit Guides so we can better align our will with that of the universe’s, helping us to live our Highest Purpose. This practice is not set out to play God or Goddess, anger your conception of a Higher Power or judge your religious beliefs (if any). It’s here to act as an additional tool in your spiritual toolkit.

It's our personal opinion that anyone could benefit from a tarot reading. Much like cognitive therapy undercovers psychological truths, tarot reveals what's happening on a spiritual level. It allows us to identify patterns and beliefs and to see the situation at hand more clearly. If you have a question the tarot may have the answers. Let's find out!

Tarot is for Entertainment Only

Tarot is here to enrich your life and bring you spiritual guidance. It ends there. We are not offering thearpeutic, professional, or legal advice. Take what you need and leave the rest.