The concept of chakras originated in India under the influence of Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Chakras are believed to be energy centers located throughout the body, with approximately 144 chakras in total. However, we are said to have access to only 108 of these energy points, which is why Mala beads traditionally have 108 beads. The seven main chakras, which are the most studied, are situated along the spine from its base to the crown of the head. These primary chakras are crucial because their alignment and activation can positively influence the body's overall energy flow, helping to restore balance and harmony.

We study these seven chakras to understand their impact on our emotional well-being and balance. Working with crystals that correspond to each chakra's color can be a powerful tool in this process. Each crystal's unique vibration can help align and activate the chakras, promoting emotional stability and overall wellness. By engaging with these practices, we can enhance our personal development and achieve a more balanced state of being.


The crown chakra is also called Sahasrara which roughly translates to “thousand-petaled.” This energy center located above the head is said to evoke the image of the thousand-petaled lotus flower, where new and helpful downloads are received as we pull back the constraints of the ego. In this space we connect more deeply to the divine and channel sacred messages. We associate this chakra with the Ace of Swords in tarot. We love deepening our meditation practice with purple or clear stones to heal and activate our crown.

Balanced = deep joy, gratitude and bliss

Unbalanced = isolation, crisis, depression, lack of purpose


The third eye is located right between our eyebrows and is given the sanskrit name Ajna which means “perceive.” You’ll often see people with a red dot on their forehead, either a sticker gently placed or a tattoo for those who are more committed. This chakra is given this level or adoration due to its inherent nature. It’s aptly known our as our ‘sixth sense chakra’ where we are able to tap into our intuition. It’s also our creative center letting our daydreams run free and wild. It’s where original thought is born. We associate this energy center with the High Priestess card in tarot. Indigo is the color associated with this chakra and while most crystals do not naturally exhibit this rich violet-blue, there are a few. We love dark blue stones when actively trying to work with this energy space.

Balanced = self-reflective, truthful, imaginative

Unbalanced = anxiety, disconnection, lack of focus


Named Vishuddha, meaning “purity” in Sanskrit, the throat chakra is our center of truth and communication. It is the energy hub where we learn to say what we mean and mean what we say. This chakra is of particular importance to those in creative fields, such as writing or acting, as it serves as the gateway to higher planes of existence. Anthropological studies suggest that while Neanderthals could have easily outmatched early humans in size, it was our capacity for language and communication that ensured our survival. The throat chakra is associated with the Six of Swords, symbolizing new opportunities and openings. Light blue stones are particularly powerful when working with this energy center.

Balanced = authentic, healthy self-expression, calm and collected

Unbalanced = gossip, dishonesty, fear of judgement


Anahata, meaning “unhurt” or “unstuck” in Sanskrit, is the energy center known as the heart chakra and is considered the wellspring of our emotions. Many of us grew up in families with toxic or destructive habits that left us wounded. As we heal and grow, we learn to reopen our hearts by establishing healthy boundaries and ensuring emotional safety. This energy center is crucial for healing those who have experienced trauma. While the heart is often associated with the color red, in the chakra system it is represented by the color green. This fits beautifully in the world of crystals, as many stunning green stones encourage vulnerability and openness. We like to associate the heart with the Empress card from tarot.

Balanced = compassion, forgiveness, trust, peace

Unbalanced = resentment, codependency, fear of intimacy, lack of boundaries


Our space of personal power, the solar plexus chakra, is aptly named Manipura, meaning "lustrous gem" in Sanskrit. It is the center of our vitality, energy, and self-confidence, where our determination and drive to move forward reside. Healing this chakra allows us to release fear and fully embrace our gifts. Associated with The Chariot card in tarot, it symbolizes willpower and triumph. Balancing Manipura involves practices like meditation, affirmations, core-strengthening exercises, using crystals with a golden glow. When we activate the solar plexus we foster a life filled with purpose and self-assuredness.

Balanced = confidence, purpose, motivation, courage

Unbalanced = perfectionism, aggression, fear, frustration


Our sacral chakra is where our soul truly meets the world, serving as the center of personal joy, sensuality, creativity, and passion. Known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, meaning "one's own dwelling place," this chakra is where our ego forms healthy attachments to the magical and mystical aspects of reality. It is the foundational space of personal expression, revealing our true selves when we strip away the mask. We often associate this chakra with the Ace of Wands, symbolizing new beginnings and creative inspiration. Healing and activating this space can be supported by using orangish-red stones such as carnelian and orange calcite.

Balanced = pleasure, joy, vitality, healthy relationships, creativity

Unbalanced = addiction, numbness, overwhelm


Muladhara, meaning "foundation" in Sanskrit, is the energy center of safety and security. Whether or not we were offered emotional and physical safety as children greatly affects how we relate to this chakra in adulthood, influencing our attachment styles. As we heal and activate this essential chakra, we learn how to cultivate a sense of safety at any moment, developing a loving relationship with ourselves and our surroundings, which allows us to flourish and grow. This chakra is associated with the King of Pentacles in tarot, symbolizing stability, abundance, and groundedness. Balancing the root chakra can be supported by using red crystals such as red jasper and garnet, as well as earthy-colored crystals like hematite and smoky quartz.

Balanced = secure, grounded, confident

Unbalanced = greed, insecurity, procrastination, lethargy