Are you feeling a bit lost and untethered these days? You are not alone, friend. The energy of our planet is dense and unsettling. However, the good news is that you choose to reincarnate in this time/space continuum to help your soul grow and change. Let’s help you wake up to your light and your magic. Join me, Jackie Stone, a crystal dealer and tarot reader, and my fellow bandits on a journey of self-discovery and laughter. Do you consider yourself: self-aware? Over it? Full of snark? Able to take a joke? Do you have some trauma in your history and have embarked on a healing journey? Are you kind and honest? Needing a space where you can truly be yourself? A lil bit lonely in this post Covid-19 malaise? Do you have interest in tarot and/or crystals? If you answered yes to any of these questions then we are probably the right online community for you!