Can a crystal cure your depression? Absolutely not. Can it help? 100%
I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember.Maybe it’s trauma, maybe it’s a chemical imbalance. I gave up trying to figure that out long ago. I find when I don’t fight it, the intense grip it has on me lessens. If you suffer from either of these affiliations, please note that this is NOT medical advice. I personally see a therapist weekly and also visit a psychiatrist. I’m not a medical professional nor do I pretend to be. Your mental health is a serious matter and should be handled with care. However, I do have a ton of tools in my arsenal besides medication and therapy. Crystals happen to be one of them. Here are some of the crystals that worked for me in my darkest times and I hope they can help you as well.

This magical stone is one of the most soothing crystals on the planet. I equate it to the “lavender of crystals”. The essential oil lavender has properties that can aid in relaxation. Much like its purple friend, lepidolite has this same ability. It’s here to help quell your nerves and help your system relax. I always have a piece of this on my nightstand. It’s said to aid in sleep and I can attest this is true for me. I once gave a client my lepidolite sphere that had been on my bedside table for quite some time. The next few days were very restless nights. From that day forward, I always make sure to have a piece of this available. Not only is the color of this calming stone absolutely stunning, but it has a gorgeous shimmer due to the mica deposits. If you’re feeling down, give lepidolite a try. It helps me feel like everything will be ok somehow.

Yellow Calcite
When you’re depressed, sometimes you need someone like Lepidolite to just sit quietly with you while you work out some stuff. But other times you need that friend who nudges you and says “Hey, the sun is out today. Let’s get outside and play!” That friend is Yellow Calcite. This bright and cheerful stone is the embodiment of joy. It helps you see the bright side of life and reminds you that even in your darkest moments there is something to be grateful for. Try holding onto your yellow calcite and sitting in the sunshine for a bit. Then write a gratitude list of ten things that make your life a lil better. It’s really, really hard at first, but gratitude becomes easier over time. If you need suggestions you can steal from my list for now: running water, a safe space to sleep, my lungs so I can breathe, my nose so I can smell, sunsets, puppy snores, babies laughing and dumb memes.

Purple Jade
I only recently discovered this magical stone. I feel like it might be Lepidolite’s cousin. This is the stone of play. It reminds me of the childlike innocence of the Fool. Everything is bright and brilliant in that space. Think of some moments in your life that contained unbridled optimism. Maybe it was your wedding day, that first day of school, when someone brought a baby into the world, the day you adopted your puppy. Those days are filled with so much hope. When we look at a baby we can all agree that it is full of innocence and magic. It can do no wrong! Well you once were that tiny infant. Purple jade helps you tap back into the purity of childhood. I highly recommend tracking down some purple jade tumbles for you and your inner child. And then get out there and PLAY! I’ll even recommend to some of my Tarot clients to go to a toy store and buy your inner kid the toy you always wanted but were never allowed to have. Or maybe buying a toy that brings you nostalgia. For me, it’s always the Easy Bake Oven. And while these suggestions might sound silly, take them seriously. Studies show that adults who suffered intense trauma as children need somatic ways to heal. Offering yourself a safe space to play may be extremely important to your healing journey.

Septarian AKA Dragon’s Egg
Septarian is one of my favorite discoveries as a crystal dealer. I wish I had found it ages ago! Over 50 million years old, this is a tangible relic of profound geological shifts on our planet. Septarian is formed by a very specific process. Step 1: Volcano underwater erupts. Step 2: Water dries out or moves as plates shift and continents form. Step 3: Desert-like conditions of the sentiment cause the stones to fracture. Step 4: TIME fills in the “cracks” with more beautiful stone. I’m simplifying things here, but you get the gist. Septarian is made of brown aragonite, gray limestone and yellow calcite. It’s extremely grounded and rooted in ancient earth energy. It gives big Empress energy as well as some High Priestess vibes (some info for my tarot nerds). Essentially it’s extremely nurturing and love. It’s rooted in safety and security. This can help with big root chakra healing. A really good one to carry with you to therapy or EMDR. It helps you feel rooted while going back and doing powerful shadow work. Septarian is truly that rock of a friend that you can always count on.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know fluorite is probably one of my top three favorite stones. Every crystal dealer has stones they like to push on people, and fluorite is my jam. I truly believe that the world would be a better place if everyone had a tiny piece of fluorite in their space. This is known as the “metaphysical vacuum” as it removes negative energy. I don’t love that description as I don’t see how the energy moves. Fluorite is such high vibrational bright light energy that it actually pushes the negativity out of the space. Like a powerful cool breeze, fluorite washes the space clean of the bullshit. I know this sounds crazy (to some of you), but this is also the stones of choice for fairies. They do their best work with this stone. Fluorite is a great tool for those of us who continue to fight the good fight. We’re over here like “eff you depression, I won’t let you win!” Fluorite is here to help you shift and transform how you feel. It doesn’t happen overnight, but working with fluorite over a long period of time is transformative. You’ll feel the results happen slowly. Be sure to cleanse your fluorite often as it’s doing big work. If you’re fluorite ever cracks that usually indicates you’re not cleansing it enough and it got overloaded. I like to put mine in a big bowl of pink Himalayan salt for about 10 to 15 minutes at least once a week. You’ll have to figure out for yourself what cleansing rituals work best for you. Something to note: fluorite doesn’t do well in water.
I hope these stones help you find that glimmer of hope you need to get through your darkest days. While crystals aren’t a cure for anxiety or depression, they are powerful amulets here to help you transform and heal. I hope you’ll consider incorporating some of these into your practices.
I host live crystal sales almost every Wednesday on Instagram! You can join me there or simply reach out via email for more information on crystal purchases: hello@totemsandtarot.com