Do you struggle with stress and anxiety? You're not alone. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), around 70% of adults report experiencing some form of stress daily. Alarmingly, 27% of American adults say their stress levels are so high they struggle to function. Discovering these statistics was heart-wrenching, especially knowing firsthand the crippling effects of stress, which at times made it feel impossible for me to breathe.
Can crystals alone cure your stress and anxiety? Definitely not. Therapy and psychiatry are currently the most effective treatments. However, many psychologists endorse mindfulness as a beneficial approach. Need evidence? A 2018 study by the US Department of Defense on veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) found that meditation could be as effective, if not more so, than traditional therapies like prolonged exposure therapy. Mindfulness is now under global scientific scrutiny, and I am convinced that it won’t be long before the benefits of crystal healing begin to gain credible recognition.
Today's blog focuses on stones that promote mindfulness and grounding. Grounding involves engaging in activities that reconnect you with the earth’s energy, fostering balance and harmony. The stones featured here embody denser, slower-moving energies. While high-vibrational stones like moldavite often steal the spotlight, as someone living with complex PTSD, I find that these gentler energies help lay the groundwork for my healing.
Your healing journey is important. By choosing to heal, you're opting for growth over remaining in the shadows or engaging in destructive behaviors. I encourage you to consider incorporating crystal healing into your routine. Simply having these stones in your environment can make a significant difference.
Smoky Quartz
During my therapy for severe depression, I found immense solace in Smoky Quartz, a crystal my therapist allowed me to bring into our sessions. It seemed to convey comforting words from my ancestors, reminding me of life's fleeting nature and the presence of spiritual guides whose wisdom is always within reach. This crystal reinforced the belief that our purpose is to navigate and learn from life's chaos, serving as beacons of light and evolving our souls. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, I encourage you to incorporate Smoky Quartz into your mindfulness practices, like meditation. May it remind you of your soul’s purpose and reconnect you with the magic and mystery of our world.
Discover smoky quartz on our website.
While I don’t offer medical advice or treatments involving crystals, hematite has always been remarkable to me. Many of my clients with severe arthritis find it incredibly helpful. Personally, I value hematite for its metaphysical properties. I rely on it heavily when facing challenging situations, as it helps me stay balanced, maintain my composure, and approach issues more objectively. If there were a stone for "adulting," hematite would be it. We are often overwhelmed by various daily tasks on top of our jobs, all in the name of being ‘valued members of society’—from paying bills to dealing with insurance companies, these administrative chores can be overwhelming. Before I make a call or send an email, I often take a moment to ground myself with hematite. It reconnects me to my inherent value and purpose, reminding me of my strength. Next time you’re gearing up for a tough conversation, try holding some hematite and see if it helps you too.
Septarian has earned a spot in my blog as one of my top ten stones of all time, a choice that might seem unconventional. As someone who has experienced significant trauma, I find septarian to be an extraordinary stone that deserves more recognition. Formed over millions of years and incorporating several fascinating geological marvels, septarian, in my view, connects most deeply with Mother Earth's energy. This stone grounds us in stability and safety, reminding us of our inherent divine nature and our ability to connect with the energy and flow of our beautiful planet at any moment. It also highlights the powerful healing available to us through nature. Whenever you're facing intense stress or anxiety, consider turning to septarian; it helps diminish the harshness of our three-dimensional reality and reconnects us to our inner strength and wisdom. Septarian is particularly beneficial during therapy sessions and is an excellent choice for those engaged in generational healing.
Reconnect and ground with septarian.
Fireworks Obsidian
Fireworks Obsidian, discovered in 2023 during a search for gold sheen obsidian, is a relatively new gemstone catching the eye of many. It is also known as fire calcite or fire obsidian, but "fireworks obsidian" is the term that most aptly captures its unique appearance, characterized by striking bright pink spots against a dark backdrop. The metaphysical properties of this stone are currently a topic of lively discussion. I personally rely on the expertise of my obsidian dealer, who consulted a shaman for insights. According to this spiritual teacher, fireworks obsidian is dedicated to restoring balance, drawing on the energies of all four elements—wind, earth, water, and fire—to realign our energetic chakras. If you find yourself overwhelmed and seeking a return to tranquility, consider using fireworks obsidian. Embrace its gentle energy and let it guide you back to a state of peace.
Rebalance your chakras with fireworks obsidian.
Blue Agate
I truly believe that agate is one of the most underrated crystals on our planet. While many acknowledge the potent energy of clear quartz, often hailed as the 'master healer,' agate is similarly impressive. Although technically different from quartz, agate is composed of about 90% quartz, making it equally remarkable, just in an opaque and colored form. One of my personal favorites is blue agate, which combines the grounding energy of agate, the transformative properties of quartz, and the calming influence typical of natural blue stones. Blue agate encourages us to connect with our deepest selves and articulate our thoughts clearly. It gives us the courage to find and use our voice, even when fear persists. For those who battle with people-pleasing—a common response to past trauma—blue agate can be especially beneficial. It assists in moving beyond the ego-driven self to higher realms, empowering safe and free self-expression without regard for the consequences.